Avoid stress fractures by Gary Droze

Avoid stress fractures By Gary Droze Many injuries are associated with specific sports. Rotator cuff tears commonly afflict baseball players, elbow tendonitis torments tennis enthusiasts, and ankle sprains often halt play on soccer fields and basketball courts.Stress...

After the fall by Dana Stetson

After the fall By Dana Stetson  Pride goeth before a fall but certainly not afterward. As a trail runner there is one fact that I have to face every time I run. Sooner or later there is a big fall waiting for me somewhere in the woods. If you run trails, you will...

Turtles arise! by Fred Deckert

Turtles arise! By Fred Deckert  Sometimes it’s not so bad to be a turtle, as the old tale goes regarding that famous race. It’s not very likely that your chances to win in a group of hares is good, but there are other compensations. I recently managed a...

Auld lang syne by Fred Deckert

Auld lang syne By Fred Deckert  At the end of the year, it’s conventional and appropriate to look back on the old year and plan for the new. This is especially useful for competitive runners, especially those who are calendar challenged. Fortunately the running...

Benefits of weight training by Dana Stetson

Benefits of weight training By Dana Stetson For quite a while I have suspected that it was happening. The indicators were all there. But, it wasn’t until Sarah Docter-Williams (who incidentally is the second nicest person in the western hemisphere) rudely...

Winter running strategies by Gary Droze

Winter running strategies By Gary Droze The winter season brings a huge temptation for the casual runner to fritter away all the conditioning gained in the last few months. Dicey weather, family obligations, and frenzied holiday schedules all conspire against sometime...