Consistency the key to running success


Fred Deckert


If necessity is the mother of invention, then consistency has to be the mother of success. I’m reminded of this every time I see someone start an exercise program and quit after a week or two. Unfortunately this is a very common occurrence. Check the garage sales and you’ll see an awful lot of exercise equipment for sale. No one would expect to learn to play the piano after a couple of weeks, but many do not give the same chance to their fitness program. If you don’t plan to give whatever program you decide on at least a month or more of serious effort, you’re probably better off not to start at all.

For one thing, the first few weeks will have aches and pains. Walking, running, biking, etc.will all have their negative beginnings. You should never expect to have “fun” right from the start. Take the example of the piano, many children are exposed to piano lessons early and most of them give it up. Later in life the same children, now grown give mom and dad grief for letting them quit! No matter what your motivation for starting a running program, competition or more likely just fitness or weight control, failure is assured if you expect “instant” results. It took you quite a while to get out of shape or gain that weight, so why is it so common to expect a reversal in a tiny fraction of the time?

The other watchword is “moderation”. Since you want to be in this program for the long haul, don’t start out training for marathons, not even 10K’s! Be gentle on your body, and listen to it. Sure, most of the time you won’t hear cries of gladness, your body best expresses itself by complaints – a lot like the kids, right? If you don’t hear those complaints, to the tune of sore muscles, aching knees etc. don’t assume you aren’t doing enough. If you do, there’s an fair chance you’re overdoing things. This is not to say that you shouldn’t feel tired, or minor startup aches, that’s to be expected. But, learn the difference between the “good” tired and “dragged out” tired feeling.

Most of all, have patience, even Tiger Woods didn’t crawl out of his cradle and whack a golf ball several hundred yards, it took years to become a champ.