Gulf Winds Track Club Grand Prix XXIII

Final Grand Prix Scores
Posted February 17, 2008
GP points tentative pending membership and other verification.  The column headed # GP Races represents the number of races in which the runner actually scored points.  Runners must compete in and complete (but not necessarily score points in) at least three GP races to be eligible for awards.


 Women’s Standings

                       First Name          Last Name         Age     # GP Events     Points
Overall Female
                       Sheryl              Rosen              22          6            167
                       Nancy               Laux               45          9            117
                       Kathy               Lindsay            47          7             99
                       Kirsten             Baggett            40          6             88
                       Fran                McLean             49          5             86
                       Connie              Clarke             45          4             63
                       Sarah               Docter- Williams   42          2             60
                       Lara                Shaw               34          2             60
                       Lisa                Johnson            25          3             57
                       Loranne             Ausley             43          4             55
                       Toma                Wilkerson          37          5             53
                       Seeley              Lovett             30          3             53
                       Jane                Johnson            47          3             46
                       Jacque              Myers              50          5             45
                       Elizabeth           Kelsey             30          4             40
                       Lisa                Whitworth          36          3             38
                       Sarah               Dugas              28          4             36
                       Olivia              Swedberg           23          2             34
                       Nancy               Widener            57          5             31
                       Laura               Reardon            27          2             31
                       Janine              Thomas             40          3             31
                       Laura               Howard             36          3             27
                       Jo Lena             Pace               34          3             21
                       Julie               Clark              45          2             20
                       Katy                Swain              17          1             20
                       Jana                Stolting           15          1             17
                       Stephanie           Liles              34          1             15
                       Krista              Killius            43          1             15
                       Janice              Hochstein          56          1             15
                       Lisa                Rutledge           45          1             11
                       Ann                 Guillen            38          1              7
                       Melissa             Zapata             27          1              7
                       Beth                Alexander          42          1              7
                       Lisa                Unger              39          1              5
                       Judie               Kean               61          1              5
                       Mary                Stutzman           58          1              5
                       Sara                Cleveland          34          1              5
                       Judy                Alexander          45          1              5
                       Perha               Varley             62          1              3
                       Kim                 Thomas             37          1              3
                       Mary Jean           Yon                51          1              3
                       Sandra              Canada             44          1              3
                       Becky               Scaringe           36          1              3
1-9 Female
                       Alexandra           Wallace            9           5             95
                       Mackenzie           Chesnutt           9           5             77
                       Lilly               Unger              4           5             49
                       Lauren              Peavy              9           2             40
                       Ana                 Wallace            7           2             35
                       Hunter Marie        Parker             9           2             27
                       Kristy              Minno              9           2             22
                       Kate                Winegardner        7           1             20
                       Josie               Baggett            5           2             16
                       Laura               Ceci               4           2             14
                       Anna                Wilgenbusch        7           1             12
                       Saige               Kemeny             5           1             10
                       Caroline            Campbell           7           1              8
                       Elle                Chesnutt           3           2              6
                       Juliet              Liles              5           1              6
                       Madeline            Sewell             3           1              2
10-14 Female
                       Maria               Coukoulis          13          5             85
                       Carly               Thomas             12          4             80
                       Cheslyn             Donaldson          10          4             54
                       Tenley              Kiger              10          4             43
                       Megan               Jones              10          3             40
                       Lily                Williams           12          2             35
                       Claire              Ellis              14          2             32
                       Emily               Wilgenbusch        12          1             15
                       Cecelia             Williams           10          1             12
                       Morgan              Phillips           10          1              6
15-19 Female
                       Jana                Stolting           15          1             20
                       Katy                Swain              17          1             20
                       Cynda               Covert             15          1             15
20-24 Female
                       Sheryl              Rosen              22          6            120
                       Olivia              Swedberg           23          3             45
                       Michelle            Marts              23          1             20
                       Tara                Stalnaker          23          1             15
                       Calyn               Reber              21          1             15
                       Katelyn             Lynch              23          1             12
25-29 Female
                       Sarah               Dugas              28          7            132
                       Lisa                Johnson            25          3             60
                       Laura               Reardon            27          3             55
                       Kendra              Hill               26          4             45
                       Melissa             Zapata             27          3             32
                       Kate                Ray                29          2             30
                       Heather             Bochnia            27          2             20
                       Erin                Glover             26          1             15
                       Christy             Pardieck           28          1             15
                       Jessica             Kemeny             27          1             15
                       Sally Bay           Strauss            29          1             15
                       Summer              Lillie             25          1             10
                       Jodi                Aguilar            29          1              8
                       Lori                Finn               29          1              4
30-34 Female
                       Elizabeth           Kelsey             30          6            105
                       Sara                Cleveland          34          6             76
                       Jo Lena             Pace               34          4             55
                       Aubrey              Posey              31          4             52
                       Seeley              Lovett             30          3             52
                       Lara                Shaw               34          2             40
                       Lisa                Umana              30          2             32
                       Emma                Good               32          2             30
                       Jennifer            Daughtry           32          1             20
                       Stephanie           Liles              34          1             15
                       Jeanie              Froman- Bohall     31          1             10
                       Maria               Vives              33          1              6
                       Lauren              Faison             33          1              4
                       Christine           Stabley            31          1              2
35-39 Female
                       Toma                Wilkerson          37          7            122
                       Lisa                Unger              39          5             63
                       Willow              Shanti             37          7             61
                       Lisa                Whitworth          36          3             60
                       Laura               Howard             36          3             50
                       Margaret            Kimlin- Timm       35          5             49
                       Ann                 Guillen            38          4             41
                       Becky               Scaringe           36          3             37
                       Kelly               Sullivan           35          2             24
                       Erin                Mullen             38          1             20
                       Marisol             Roberts            36          2             18
                       Kelly               Garland            35          2             16
                       Lori                Westphal           36          2             16
                       Birgit              Cromartie          36          1             15
                       Kim                 Thomas             37          1             15
                       Barbara             Auger              39          2             12
                       Robin               Adams              38          2             12
                       Kelli               Dillon             36          1              8
                       Kate                Macfall            35          1              6
                       Nancy               Dyer               36          1              4
                       Melissa             Rudd               39          1              2
                       Ann                 Bowman             38          1              2
40-44 Female
                       Kirsten             Baggett            40          6            110
                       Loranne             Ausley             43          6             94
                       Linda               Johnson            42          7             76
                       Beth                Alexander          42          5             70
                       Janine              Thomas             40          3             50
                       Lisa                Cox                41          5             46
                       Sarah               Docter- Williams   42          2             40
                       Sandra              Canada             44          3             40
                       Lisa                Echeverri          41          2             18
                       Dawn                Jimenez            41          3             18
                       Krista              Killius            43          1             15
                       Susan               Ledford            43          3             14
                       Dena                Coukoulis          41          2             14
                       Kirsten             Anderson           42          2             14
                       Becky               Ajhar              41          1             12
                       Barbara             McKibben           44          2             12
                       Robin               Safley             43          1             12
                       Lynda               Pfundstein         41          1             12
                       Paula               Kiger              42          2             12
                       Alison              Dudley             44          1             12
                       Sandra              Fink               41          1             10
                       Penny               Isom               44          1              6
                       Lynn                Powell             42          1              4
                       Caroline            Noble              41          1              4
                       Sharon              Smith              41          1              2
45-49 Female
                       Nancy               Laux               45         10            147
                       Kathy               Lindsay            47          8            107
                       Fran                McLean             49          6             94
                       Connie              Clarke             45          4             60
                       Jane                Johnson            47          3             60
                       Kathy               Dunnigan           48          8             54
                       Aidy                Torres             45          6             54
                       Julie               Clark              45          2             32
                       Pam                 Breza              46          3             26
                       Nadine              Dexter             48          3             16
                       Lisa                Rutledge           45          1             15
                       Yvonne              Michaud            49          2             14
                       Patricia            Bruner             48          2             14
                       Lynn                Schuster           47          2             12
                       Judy                Alexander          45          1             12
                       Yvonne              Gsteiger           49          1             10
                       Michele             Rowe               46          1             10
                       Pam                 Weber              46          1              8
                       Pamela              White              45          1              8
                       Mary Jane           Tappen             49          1              8
                       Dianne              Dearduff           47          1              6
                       Terry               Massa              49          1              6
                       Lezlie              Sims               46          1              6
                       Sissi               Carroll            48          1              4
                       Betty               Dewar              48          1              2
                       Susan               Stephens           48          1              2
                       Debby               Alexander          46          1              2
50-54 Female
                       Jacque              Myers              50         10            192
                       Mary Jean           Yon                51          7            115
                       Nada                Scott              53          7             86
                       Jackie              McDaniel           52          4             49
                       Kay                 Posey              53          3             26
                       Dianne P            Douglas            53          2             20
                       Diana               Jones- Ellis       50          1             20
                       Cynthia             Christen           53          2             18
                       Barbara             McNeal             51          1             15
                       Diana               Caldwell           50          1             15
                       Wendy               Smith              50          1             10
                       Wendy               Bevan- Baker       51          1             10
                       Elaine              Flournoy           54          1              8
                       Margot              Palazesi           52          1              4
                       Mary                Barry              52          1              2
55-59 Female
                       Nancy               Widener            57          9            170
                       Susan               Cornwell           57          9            104
                       Mary                Stutzman           58          7             94
                       Ruth                Jones              55          7             81
                       Dawn                Brown              58          7             50
                       Janice              Hochstein          56          2             40
                       Susan               Kelly              55          2             35
                       Janet               Hastings           55          2             20
                       Anne                Priddy             57          2             18
                       Karen               Smith              58          2             18
                       Sue                 Skinner            56          1              8
                       Gloria              Crittenden         58          2              8
                       Vicky               Bernal             55          1              8
                       Christie            Koontz             57          1              4
                       Karen               Boyster            56          1              2
60-64 Female
                       Perha               Varley             62          9            167
                       Judie               Kean               61          2             40
                       Emily               Ruddell            60          2             27
                       Julie A             Guhl               60          1             15
                       Marilyn             Ney                60          1             15
65-69 Female
                       Mary Lou            Manausa            68          4             75
                       Dot                 Skofronick         69          3             55
                       Betsy               Hutton             68          3             45
                       Mae                 Cleveland          67          2             40
                       Bev                 Hand               66          2             30
70-74 Female
                       Margarete L         Deckert            73          8            160
80-84 Female
                       Josephine K         Newton             80          9            180
85+ Female
                       Rosalie             Myers              85          5            100


Men's Standings
                       First Name          Last Name         Age     # GP Events     Points
Overall Male
                       Jay                 Wallace            42         11            307
                       Tim                 Unger              47          9            138
                       Bill                McCord             44          9            122
                       Tony                Guillen            38          9            111
                       Reid                Vannoy             48         10            109
                       Justin              Dickieson          21          5            104
                       Michael             Martinez           41          3             67
                       Hobson              Fulmer             51          4             59
                       Hamp                Stoutamire         40          6             56
                       Zach                Galloway           27          4             42
                       David               Yon                51          4             32
                       Fritz               Stoppelbein        21          4             30
                       Jessie              Close              48          1             30
                       Alex                Steverson          46          2             28
                       Michael             Dobson             16          3             27
                       Brian               Corbin             39          2             25
                       Greg                Waddell            40          3             23
                       Matthew             Olney              42          3             23
                       Chris               Holland            20          1             20
                       Jared               Black              18          1             20
                       Reynolds            Griner             18          1             20
                       Gary                Griffin            57          2             20
                       David               Cox                48          2             18
                       Jim                 Wilgenbusch        38          2             14
                       Chris               Sumner             27          2             14
                       Bill                McGuire            59          3             13
                       Manuel              Gutierrez          33          1             13
                       Grady               Smith              30          1             11
                       William             Hillison           62          2             10
                       Matthew F           Minno              47          2             10
                       Jeff                Bryan              39          2             10
                       Andy                Roberts            39          1              9
                       Tom                 Ratliffe           59          1              7
                       Bud                 Fennema            51          1              5
                       Rich                Leslie             58          1              5
                       Jerry               McDaniel           53          1              5
                       Keith               Gates              25          1              3
1-9 Male
                       Alex                Bowman             6           7             82
                       Joshua              Liles              7           4             65
                       Jimmy               Baggett            7           4             60
                       Blaine              Thomas             9           3             60
                       Wayne K             Kiger              7           7             44
                       David               Guhl               6           2             35
                       Danny               Manausa            8           2             35
                       Zach                Roberts            8           2             26
                       Seth                Kemeny             7           2             24
                       Gabriel             Springer           6           3             22
                       Luke                Ceci               7           2             22
                       Dylan               Jones              7           1             15
                       John                Yambor- Maul       7           1             12
                       Blaine              Parker             6           2             10
                       Matthew             Winegardner        5           1              8
                       Isaiah              Springer           8           1              8
                       Tom                 Ensley             3           1              6
                       Mitchell            Phillips           7           1              4
10-14 Male
                       Nick                Dietrich           10          6             94
                       Jacob               Kemp               10          4             68
                       Chad                Manausa            10          4             47
                       Joey                Vannoy             13          3             44
                       Travis              Covert             12          3             42
                       Patrick             Swain              14          2             40
                       Nicholas            Minno              12          3             40
                       Davis               Clarke             12          2             19
                       Jeff                Auger              10          1             15
                       Jack                Rutledge           11          1             15
                       Vincent             Dewar              10          1             10
                       Jordan              Watkins            12          1             10
                       Michael             McGuire            12          1              6
                       Jamie               Wright             13          1              6
                       Luke                Liles              11          1              4
                       Chris               Ellis              10          1              2
15-19 Male
                       Michael             Dobson             16          3             55
                       Reynolds            Griner             18          1             20
                       Jared               Black              18          1             20
                       John                Hollimon           17          1             15
                       Taylor              Byrd               19          1             15
                       Christopher         McGuire            17          1             12
20-24 Male
                       Clark               Evans              23          8            127
                       Fritz               Stoppelbein        21          7            122
                       Justin              Dickieson          21          5             95
                       Jason               Kam                24          2             23
                       Chris               Holland            20          1             20
                       Donny               Douglas            23          1             15
25-29 Male
                       John                Falk               28          9            122
                       Zach                Galloway           27          6            120
                       Chris               Sumner             27          6            104
                       Keith               Gates              25          6             87
                       Phillip             Claiborne          26          3             28
                       Don                 Smith              27          1             15
30-34 Male
                       Shannon             Jacobs             31          5             95
                       Grady               Smith              30          2             35
                       Maroun              Beyrouthy          30          2             35
                       Mark                Faison             33          2             30
                       Todd                McMillan           34          2             24
                       Manuel              Gutierrez          33          1             20
                       Gregory             Dudley             32          1             15
                       Jobst               Elster             34          1             12
35-39 Male
                       Tony                Guillen            38          9            175
                       Scott               Heath              35          6             79
                       Jeff                Bryan              39          4             67
                       Ronald              Thomas             35          5             53
                       Andy                Roberts            39          3             42
                       Jimmy               Lee                37          4             40
                       Jim                 Wilgenbusch        38          2             35
                       Brian               Corbin             39          2             35
                       Travis              Miller             37          2             30
                       Dan                 Manausa            37          2             22
                       David               Ensley             37          3             18
                       Sean                Sullivan           36          2             16
                       Mark                Delegal            39          1             12
                       Marc                Robards            35          1             12
                       Ernesto             Umana              38          1             10
                       Tim                 Guhl               37          1              4
40-44 Male
                       Jay                 Wallace            42         11            215
                       Bill                McCord             44          9            126
                       Hamp                Stoutamire         40          6             79
                       Michael             Martinez           41          3             50
                       Michael             Boll               42          6             50
                       Jamie               Joanos             44          6             50
                       Mike                La Bossiere        40          5             46
                       Matthew             Olney              42          3             36
                       Greg                Waddell            40          3             35
                       James               Long               42          3             28
                       Ed                  Baggett            42          1             15
                       Frank               Rudd               43          2             12
                       Steve               Gould              42          3             12
                       Sean                Bower              42          2             10
                       Dave                Borschel           42          1             10
                       Bill                Dillon             40          1              8
                       Jim                 Phillips           41          1              8
                       Rick                Parker             42          1              8
                       Scott               Shalley            40          1              6
                       Rob                 Dearduff           41          1              4
45-49 Male
                       Tim                 Unger              47          9            175
                       Reid                Vannoy             48         10            152
                       Jay                 Silvanima          46          8             87
                       David               Cox                48          6             66
                       Bob                 Asztalos           47          6             48
                       Matthew F           Minno              47          4             42
                       Alex                Steverson          46          2             40
                       Chuck               Davis              45          5             40
                       Jeff                Nielsen            49          2             20
                       Jessie              Close              48          1             20
                       Keith               Rowe               45          2             16
                       John                Kelly              49          3             16
                       Herbert             Wills              46          2             16
                       Richard             Ziegler            47          2             16
                       Grea                Bevis              45          2             12
                       Craig               Burnside           46          2             12
                       Gary                Droze              45          1             12
                       Jay                 Herring            49          1             10
                       Bruce               Timm               48          1             10
                       Felton              Wright             49          1             10
                       Robert              McNeal             45          2             10
                       Cris                Williams           45          1             10
                       Randy               Hanna              48          2             10
                       Jeff                Kuperberg          46          1              8
                       Jeff                Bowman             45          2              6
                       Myron               Herring            47          2              6
                       Brant               Foster             45          2              6
                       David               Landis             48          1              4
                       Tom                 McHaffie           49          1              2
                       Lenny               Ceci               45          1              2
50-54 Male
                       Hobson              Fulmer             51         10            195
                       Gary                Cato               50         12            123
                       David               Yon                51          9            110
                       Jerry               McDaniel           53          6             86
                       Mark                Dietrich           51          6             48
                       Mike                Sims               54          3             47
                       Warren A            Emo                53          4             40
                       Bud                 Fennema            51          2             30
                       Dale L              Smith              53          3             22
                       Alfred              Bea                51          3             22
                       Hal                 Davis              50          3             18
                       Richard L           Addison            52          3             16
                       Ed                  Claiborne          52          2             16
                       Cliff               Buell              52          1             15
                       Dennis              McClure            50          2             14
                       Jeffrey             Jones              50          2             12
                       Jimmy               Ledford            50          3             10
                       Bill                Kimmons            54          1             10
                       Mark                Priddy             51          2              8
                       Ithel               Jones              52          2              8
                       Glen                Alexander          50          1              6
                       Tim                 Brewton            51          1              2
55-59 Male
                       Tom                 Ratliffe           59          8            132
                       Craig               Willis             55          8            108
                       Bill                McGuire            59          5            100
                       Gary                Griffin            57          5             75
                       Rich                Leslie             58          4             52
                       Dennis              Hitchens           56          5             40
                       Bill                Perry              58          3             30
                       David               Farnsworth         56          3             29
                       Rob                 Cunningham         58          3             27
                       Joe                 Donoghue           59          3             27
                       Terry               Ryan               58          3             22
                       Bruce               Lynn               59          3             20
                       Nick                Mazza              58          1             15
                       Paul                Hoover             56          1             15
                       Jerry               Chesnutt           56          3             14
                       Gordon              Cherr              57          1             12
                       Karl                Hempel             55          1             10
                       Lou                 Vargas             57          1              8
                       Terry O             Presnell           57          1              8
                       Bob                 Schilling          57          1              6
                       Bill                Lott               57          1              6
                       Bill (william)      Davis              55          1              6
                       Chuck               Booker             56          1              6
                       Bruce               Campbell           58          1              4
                       Terry               Tenold             57          1              2
60-64 Male
                       Ron                 Christen           61         11            177
                       William             Hillison           62          9            175
                       David               Darst              63         10            111
                       George S            Palmer             62          4             62
                       Carlos              Zapata             61          6             52
                       David E             Smith              62          5             36
                       Joe E               Dexter             60          2             25
                       Richard             Tanner             62          1             12
                       Jim                 Tully              60          1             12
                       Gene                Opheim             60          2             12
                       Clint               Watkins            64          1             12
                       Lee                 Stone              62          2             12
                       Nick                Yonclas            63          1             10
                       Ray                 Hanlon             63          2             10
                       Bill                Guhl               64          1              6
                       Scott               Wagers             60          1              6
                       Shaun               Donahoe            63          1              4
                       Don                 Douglas            60          1              4
65-69 Male
                       Mike                Schneider          69         12            207
                       Charles R           Futch              65          7            122
                       James               Varley             67          5             66
                       Woody               Dudley             69          2             40
                       James               Story              66          2             20
70-74 Male
                       John                Rakestraw          70          7            140
                       Arthur B            Ward               73          9            111
                       Bill                De Grummond        72          6             86
                       Bob                 Keller             72          5             80
                       Jere                Moore              74          7             68
75-79 Male
                       Robert              Morris             75         10            200
                       James               Skofronick         75          3             45
80-84 Male
                       Charlie R           Yates              81          7            130
                       John                Alderson           80          2             40