GWTC Summer of Speed Sunday Intervals
Running Group Name: GWTC Summer of Speed Sunday Intervals
- Organizer or main contact: Thomas Biance and Paul Guyas
- How to contact: email: Thomas Biance or Paul Guyas
- Main purpose or goal: This is a training group to help get you ready for 5ks and peaking towards the Breakfast on the Track mile.
- Typical work out: The workouts will vary each week. We will have a clock out there to help tracking paces and rest periods for the intervals. Please be ready and warmed up before we start running at 8:00 a.m..
- Mile Warm Up Routine
- When and Where: Summer 2019
- Additional information: There is no charge to participate but we do ask that you consider GWTC if you are not already a member. However, an RunSignUp waiver needs to be completed in order to participate. The weekly events will be published in the GWTC Facebook Training Group page.