Business Meeting April 12, 2000 Home of David and Mary Jean Yon

Board Members Present:, Paul Hiers, Cynthia Christen, Bob Prentiss, Rex Cleveland, Mae Cleveland, David Yon, Gary Kenney, Lynn Powell, Will Walker, Joe Dexter

Board Members Absent: Paul Hoover, Judy Alexander, Brian Corbin, Julie Clark, Tom Perkins

Others Present: Sarah D. Williams, Mary Jean Yon, Nadine Dexter, Phillip Yon, Ernie and Alice Sims, Derek

Paul Hiers, President, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Minutes from the March meeting were distributed and read by Cynthia Christen, acting as Secretary for Julie Clark. Minutes were accepted with minor corrections.


Capital City Christian Cruisers – Ernie and Alice Sims There is wonderful participation already, with most of the regulars not yet returning. The group really needs new uniforms, 80 at $32 each at approx.$2500. The GWTC name and logo will appear. Ernie and Alice expressed their appreciation for help by GWTC members, especially Jeanne O’Kon and Tom Perkins.

Team Competition
Bob Prentiss raised the issue that for the GWTC team to compete, it has been asked that the fees be paid by the Club. He will create a new budget item for this. Motion passed.

Relay to Celebrate 10th Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act – Phillip Yon
Phillip is coordinating the relay that will have the torch carried through Tallahassee. Course suggestions are needed, 10 miles long, divided into 1/8 mile segments. There will be ceremonies at various locations on the course. Tallahassee is the only city in Florida that will have the torch go through.

Community Award Ceremony
Paul Hiers will attend the ceremony to represent GWTC, a nominee for the community award.

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Prentiss
There is more income this month than last month, and there is a need to replenish the savings account and put money into the building fund. Report was presented and explained.

Chenoweth Committee – Mae Cleveland
The 3rd Annual Great Potluck 4 Mile Bash and Open Mike Party and Social is June 3. The high school athlete’s awards also will be presented. Committee wants to increase the Chenoweth Fund to have more money to spend on athletes. Toma Wilkerson is working on a “thermometer type” display to show where we are financially and where we plan to go.

Lecture Series – Mary Jean Yon
Coach Benson is ready to come here on May 21 to be part of a social and lecture (of sorts), with Polar heart monitors to use that day. It will begin at 8 a.m. at Maclay Gardens State Park.

Social Director – Sarah Docter-Williams
The Silent Auction has about 80 items now. She needs to order tables and chairs for the event. It is a covered dish event. Would like a restaurant social in July to be out of the heat. Herb Wills wants a 15 x 1 relay from north to south on the Bike Trail. A social at Posey’s is a possibility.

Membership Report – Brian Corbin, in absentia
There are 746 members, with 456 memberships. Paul Hiers stated that RRCA needs an updated membership list.

Race Director – Will Walker
Palace – this weekend, about 110 pre-registered.
Women’s Distance Festival – Bill McGuire remarked course and was about 20-30 seconds short.
Springtime – the last 2/10 mile of Springtime is short, but the overall course is probably fine. Expect a $10,000 – $11,000 profit now that HPSE became a sponsor. Next meeting will have final budget results. Paul would like the profit to first repay GWTC, then go to contributions that we deem appropriate.
Tom Brown Bash – The 2.5 mile course for cross country team members will be increased to the regulation 3 miles. The 5 miler will be kept, but the 3 milers may now outnumber the 5 milers.
Avon – all women’s event will start in 2001. We need to discuss more next month because packet must be turned in.

Equipment Report – Joe Dexter
The double-sided 6 inch clock is being purchased and the old clock is being repaired for a total of $3000. We need a timing system to assist in computerized results. Suggestion that Mike LaBoissiere is consulted.

Newsletter Report – Rex Cleveland
Rex is retiring from being editor after the May 2001 newsletter is finished. (There was stunned silence, an unusual occurrence from this group.) There is a new club brochure.

Discussion about CCCC
David Yon made motion, Joe made second, and it passed, to provide $2500 for uniforms. Mae suggested a form for requesters to use, so that they do not have to be at meeting, and because we know that there will be other requests.

Paul stated that we need to replace the $2500 used from the building fund in our time of temporary shortage. Joe made motion to take money from the Springtime profits, Gary seconded, passed.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia K. Christen


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315