Gulf Winds Track Club Grand Prix XXIV

Gulf Winds Track Club Grand Prix XXIV Grand Prix Scores through Ten Mile Challenge, December 6, 2008 Posted December 10, 2008 GP points tentative pending membership and other verification.  The column headed # GP Events represents the number of races in which the...

Hall of Fame Award – Peg Griffin

Hall of Fame Award – Peg Griffin Presented by David Yon The Hall of Fame is special – there is no doubt. Whether it is baseball, football, basketball, college or pro, it lifts us all above the “rut” of life when we have the chance to recognize those who have had a...

2008 GWTC Male Runner of the Year – Gary Griffin

2008 GWTC Male Runner of the Year - Gary Griffin Presented by George Palmer To Transcend:            To rise above or go beyond the limit of            To triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects...

2008 Female Runner of the Year – Lisa Johnson

2008 Female Runner of the Year - Lisa Johnson Presented by Gary Droze In describing the past season of this year’s female runner of the year, I’d like to offer an analogy. Now, a strong analogy helps to illustrate the point that the speaker is trying to make. A weaker...

2008 Triathlete of the Year – Stephanie Liles

2008 Triathlete of the Year - Stephanie Liles Presented by Bonnie Wright It’s always nice to be at the Awards Ceremony and recognize the great work and effort by members of such a great club. We truly are fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful and remarkable people....