
Changes… By Myrna P. Hoover Life is about changes – most things never stay the same. Running, like life, changes as we age. We slow, we reexamine our focus, goals are rewritten and change is inevitable. Yet, as I look at the changes in my life and the...

Finding the stillness…

Findings the stillness By Myrna P. Hoover We are what we think. We have all heard that what we think influences how we behave. The framework from which we view the world sets a tone for how we live. We either face the day with anticipation or dread. We view our cup as...

The Selfish Runner?

The Selfish Runner? By Myrna P. Hoover Selfish people are often obsessed with themselves or their goals. They put themselves first without regard to other people. They are egotistical and self-centered. They are takers not givers. Individual goals come before team...

Running Lessons

Running Lessons By Myrna Hoover In almost everything we do lessons of life abound. Running is no exception.Lesson One: Seize Life, Carpe Vita – Just do it! Running teaches us to do! Whether it is to run 5 miles or 15, easy or hard, alone or with someone, with...

Voices of the run

Voices of the Run  By Myrna Hoover I never run alone. Like Henry David Thoreau, “I am never less lonely than when alone.” This is especially true when I am running. There really is no such thing for me as “the loneliness of a runner.” The...

I’ll Meet You at the Finish – By Myrna Hoover

By Myrna Hoover (These columns are dedicated to Tim “Superman” Simpkins, and any runner who faces adversity in their lives and uses their running as strength to find the finish line.) Voices of the runRunning LessonsThe Selfish Runner?Finding the...