
Position with GWTC:

Favorite Running Route or Trail:

Jerry McDaniel

Director at Large

Miccosukee Greenway

All Time Favorite Race

Humboldt Redwoods Marathon


Favorite Annual Event


Inspirational Quote

Success and accomplishment mostly come through hard work, diligence, perseverance  – while overcoming hurdles and occasional failure.

Why I run

Fitness and social

Brief Running History

Running for roughly 45 years and was in very first Springtime race! Room mate in college got me interested (our room overlooked cinder track at FSU). Over the years I have enjoyed competing from 1 mile to marathon, and still do.



Jerry McDaniel

Position with GWTC:

Director at Large

Favorite Running Trail

Miccosukee Greenway

Brief Running History:

Running for roughly 45 years and was in very first Springtime race! Room mate in college got me interested (our room overlooked cinder track at FSU). Over the years I have enjoyed competing from 1 mile to marathon, and still do.

All Time Favorite Race

Humboldt Redwoods Marathon

Favorite Annual Event


Why I run

​Fitness and Social

Inspirational Quote

Success and accomplishment mostly come through hard work, diligence, perseverance  – while overcoming hurdles and occasional failure.