
Position with GWTC:

Inspirational Quotation:

Favorite Running Route or Trail:

Laura McDermott

Clothing & Merchandise Coordinator

“I think I can!” – The Little Engine That Could

John Wayne Trail in Washington State

All Time Favorite Race

Rome Marathon

Favorite Annual Event

Boston Mini

Personal Hero

Fred Rogers

Why I run

Self improvement

Brief Running History

I have been running since 1998 and have been a member of GWTC since 2007 I have run 63 marathons. My goals are to qualify for Boston every year and to run an international marathon every year with my husband.


Laura McDermott

Position with GWTC:

Clothing & Merchandise Coordinator

Favorite Running Route or Trail:

John Wayne Trail in Washington State

Brief Running History:

I have been running since 1998 and have been a member of GWTC since 2007 I have run 63 marathons. My goals are to qualify for Boston every year and to run an international marathon every year with my husband.

Inspirational Quotation:

“I think I can!” – The Little Engine That Could

All Time Favorite Race

Rome Marathon

Favorite Annual Event

Boston Mini

Personal Hero

Fred Rogers

Why I run

Self improvement