
Position with GWTC:

Inspirational Quotation:

Favorite Running Route or Trail:

Tec Thomas

Equipment Manager

Every Day’s a Good Day.

Miccosukee Greenway

All Time Favorite Race

1974 3rd place, 100k Olympic Development Cycling Race, Exeter, NH

Favorite Annual Event

BOT 1 miler

Personal Hero

Larry Damon, 4 time US Olympic Nordic and Biathlon Skier

Why I run

It’s time for a new PR!

Brief Running History

1975 Started running as a supplement to cycling


Tec Thomas

Position with GWTC:

Equipment Manager

Favorite Running Route or Trail:

Miccosukee Greenway

Brief Running History:

1975 Started running as a supplement to cycling

Inspirational Quotation:

Every Day’s a Good Day.

All Time Favorite Race

1974 3rd place, 100k Olympic Development Cycling Race, Exeter, NH

Favorite Annual Event

BOT 1 miler

Personal Hero

Larry Damon, 4 time US Olympic Nordic and Biathlon Skier

Why I run

It’s time for a new PR!