
Position with GWTC:

Inspirational Quotation:

Favorite Running Route or Trail:

Wayne Thumm

President, Gulf Winds Triathletes

Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose

Betton Hills Neighborhood

All Time Favorite Race

Ironman Chattanooga

Favorite Annual Event

Turkey Trot and St. Anthony’s Triathlon

Personal Hero

Craig Alexander

Why I run

Something I can do with my entire family

Brief Running History

Never ran until I was out of college and married; started as a challenge to do Springtime 10K with my wife; turned into my first sprint triathlon about a year later. I have run all stand-alone running races from 5K to half marathon. In triathlon, everything from a sprint to Full Ironman.


Wayne Thumm

Position with GWTC:

President, Gulf Winds Triathletes

Favorite Running Route or Trail:

Betton Hills Neighborhood

Brief Running History:

Never ran until I was out of college and married; started as a challenge to do Springtime 10K with my wife; turned into my first sprint triathlon about a year later. I have run all stand-alone running races from 5K to half marathon. In triathlon, everything from a sprint to Full Ironman.

Inspirational Quotation:

Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose

All Time Favorite Race

Ironman Chattanooga

Favorite Annual Event

Turkey Trot and St. Anthony’s Triathlon

Personal Hero

Craig Alexander

Why I run

Something I can do with my entire family