How They Train!
Cole Tessier - November 2012Age
- 29
How many years have you been running?
- 6 years
Did you compete in high school or college cross country or track?
- No
How many miles a week do you typicall run?
- 25-45 miles
Lifetime personal records
- 1 Mile: 5:27
- 5K: 18:33
- 10K: 39:43
- 15K: 60:26
- 30K: 2:09:49
- Marathon: 3:08:52
What running events do you train for or what are your training goals?
- I train mostly for middle to long-distance events from the 5K to Marathon. I especially like the challenge of the15K distance as it requires a good mix of speed and endurance.
What does your typical week of running look like?
- Monday: Weight training 45min-1 hour / Free weights -Low weight, high reps. Upper body & core work
- Tuesday: Fartlek (slow 10 min warm-up, followed by 3-mins >5k effort, 1-minute jog recovery) Repeat 6 times. Then 2 miles cool down. OR Interval training at FSU’s Mike Long track (three miles of 400m to 1600 meter repeats with short recovery). Always warm-up and cool down of 1 to 3 miles.
- Wednesday: Winthrop/Betton Hills 6-8 miles comfortable pace or easy progression run.
- Thursday: Weight training with usual easy 5K run.
- Friday: Rest if racing Saturday. Otherwise, intervals at Godby High or neighborhood 3-6 mile run.
- Saturday: Race with warm-up and cool down. If not racing, 5-6 mile easy run.
- Sunday: Depending on training goal. Long run of 10-20 miles with IA or Lake Overstreet group. Usually under 15 miles in the summer months. Longer in the fall and winter months.
Do you take recovery or down time?
- Yes. I always reduce my training and focus on recovery for a few weeks after a marathon, longer distance event, or after a few months of high volume training.
Do you peak for certain races?
- I try to keep a base of 30 miles per week. If training for a longer event I will increase the weekly mileage to 45-50/week. Otherwise I’ll focus more on speed work for shorter distance races (5K-10K).
If you have been running for many years, how has your training changed over the years?
- I haven’t been running very long. But I have increased my mileage gradually each year as I’ve become more comfortable with the training.
How much sleep do you usually get at night?
- 6-8 hours
What time of day do you normally run?
- Always after 6pm during the work week. Usually mornings on Saturday and Sunday. Early Sunday morning is my favorite time for a long-run.
What injuries have hampered your training over the past year?
- Compartment syndrome & occasional lower-back (S.I. Joint) pain. Usually resolves with reduction of mileage.
Do you take any dietary or medical supplements?
- Maybe a daily vitamin if I remember
What type of running shoes do you prefer?
- For training I only run in Brooks Adrenaline GTS.
Do you race in a different type of running shoe?
- Yes. I’ve only raced in Brooks Racer ST and Saucony Fastwitch 5. They provide necessary medial support for overpronators but are still lighter in weight for 5K-1/2 marathon distances. For longer distance races I typically wear the Brooks Adrenaline GTS.
Do you use weight training?
- Yes. Typically I weight train bi-weekly (Monday/Thursday). I focus on maintaining core strength and use free-weights or a weight machine for upper-body conditioning. I do not do any leg weight-training.
Do you stretch?
- Yes. I usually only stretch only after running. Slow calf, hamstring and IT band stretch.
What are your favorite running routes?
- Lake Overstreet, Phipps, Winthrop/Betton Hills, Old Centerville Rd, Miccosukee Greenway, Southwood to St Marks Trail.
What running resources do you like that would benefit someone else?
-, Garmin Connect (to track and organize mileage) “Run – The mind-body Method of Running by Feel” by Matt Fitzgerald
What examples can you give of specific training methods, and what were the results?
- The best training improvement came with long, slower distance training. It improved my endurance and efficiency in all distances. Track intervals helped with leg turnover and stamina in the 5K-15K races. Trail running significantly improved my leg strength and makes road running easier.
What advice do you have for beginning or experienced runners to help them with their training?
- In two words: Patience & Consistency. You can only improve so much in a short amount of time, but if you stick with a plan that does not cause injury or significant fatigue you will see improvement over time. Everybody is different so it might take time to figure out what works best for you. Ultimately, increasing weekly mileage will build endurance and speed. Run with a group or a friend if possible; it will keep you accountable, consistent, and motivated.