January 13, 2010 Board Meeting Hosted by Mary Jean and David Yon

Present: Julie Clark, David Yon, Felton Wright, Bill Lott, Jackie McDaniel, Tom Perkins, Bob Macdonald, Seeley Gutierrez, Tim Unger, Herb Wills, Mary Jean Yon, Fred Deckert, Charlie Yates and Judy Alexander

Judy Alexander called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Quorum was established.

The Board reviewed the December minutes. A motion was made, seconded and passed by unanimous vote to accept the minutes as presented.

New Business

Judy Alexander – Judy presented the Springtime 10k/5k/1 mile proposed budget. After some discussion, a motion was made to approve the budget with discussed changes. The motion was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.

Fred Deckert – Fred suggested to the Board that some thought be given to holding monthly Board meetings at Premier Health and Fitness Center (PHFC) in lieu of holding them in the homes of board members. After some discussion as to the pros and cons of having a set meeting place each month instead of rotating to Board members’ homes, it was decided that the Board will continue to meet in members’ homes; however will occasionally meet at PHFC. The first meeting scheduled to be held at PHFC will be the March 2010 meeting.

Tim Unger –Tim Unger reported that GWTC Team Racing will attempt a new venue to start the new year. The Matanzas 5k held in downtown St. Augustine is held on January 23, 2010. The Club will have an open male and open female team competing in the 5k. GWTC racing singlets will be earned by the scoring runners who volunteer to make up a racing team.

Treasurer’s Report – Judy Alexander for Amy Antimucci

Currently, there is $77,021.97 in the Club’s account. The Chenoweth Fund has $13,599.36, and the Tri Club has $2,966.66. The Board took a brief look at the 2010 proposed Club budget, however decided to wait until next month when the new treasurer, Amy Antimucci, can attend to review the proposed budget in detail.

Membership Report – Jackie McDaniel for Mark Priddy

The Club has 882 members in 457 households. Renewal notices were mailed to all Club members late last year.

Race Director Coordinator Report – Charlie Yates

Charlie presented a 2010 area race calendar for the Board to review. There are many races scheduled all the way through December 2010.

Newsletter Report – Fred Deckert

Fred reminded the Board to use the Club’s bulk mail account for Club mail outs.

Clothing Coordinator Report – Fred Deckert for Margarete Deckert

Margarete sold two shirts last month.

Equipment Report – Judy Alexander for Vicky Verano

Judy reported that there are two races using Club equipment the weekend of January 16. After the storage unit is cleaned out of old and no longer working equipment, an assessment will be made as to whether a larger unit should be rented.

Website Report – David Yon

No report.

Chenoweth Fund Report – David Yon

After all invoices were paid and commitments honored, there is $3,997 remaining of Turkey Trot proceeds. David Yon asked that these funds be donated to the Chenoweth Fund. A motion was made to approve David’s request, seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

Robert Macdonald

The Tri Club continues to grow. Monday, January 18, the Tri Club will have an awards meeting at MoMo’s Pizza and will present their annual awards. Members attending the Monday evening meeting will be able to register for the 2010 Red Hills Triathlon which is prior to general registration for the event.

Lecture Series Report – Jackie McDaniel for Nancy Stedman

The movie, Run Fatboy Run, shown on January 8 had about 30-35 attendees. As part of the Tallahassee Marathon/Half Marathon festivities, there will be a talk by John L. Parker, Jr., author of ‘Once a Runner’ and ‘Again to Carthage’. The talk follows the pasta dinner and will be held at the Turner Auditorium on Tallahassee Community College Campus. It is open to runners, members of GWTC, and the general public. Nancy requested a one-half page ad space in the Fleet Foot to be dedicated to this event.

Training Report – Julie Clark

No report.

Social Coordinator Report – Kathy Lindsay

No report.

There being no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed unanimously at 8:44 p.m.

Jackie McDaniel, GWTC Secretary


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315