March 13, 2002 Business Meeting Hosted by David & Mary Jean Yon

Board/GWTC Members present: Judy Alexander, Jerry Ongley, Charlie Yates, Joe and Nadine Dexter, Bob Prentiss, David Yon, Jane Johnson, Tom Perkins, Mike Sims, Lynn Powell, Charlie Futch and Dave Watson.

Lynn Powell took the minutes.

The meeting started at 7:36 pm. Bob Prentiss motioned to approve the minutes from last month and Judy seconded.


· Dave Watson came to the meeting to discuss a new T-shirt design. He brought some proposals and it was decided that Jerry Ongley and David Yon would be the committee to discuss how the shirt should look. Bob Prentiss is going to figure out the best pricing for the shirt and how many to order.


· Chenoweth report – David Yon reported that nothing new is going on. They will be selling the running diaries at Springtime. They are looking for nominations for the annual awards at the Potluck race, which will be June 8 at 6:00pm.

· Team Racing report – Jane talked a little about the River Run and how the race went. The Ungers were out of town so there wasn’t anything else reported.

· Equipment report – Joe said everything is fine. Insurance for the trailer is for when the trailer is parked, other wise the vehicle pulling it has the coverage. Joe said there was still about $400 owed to him from races using the equipment.

· Treasurer’s report – see Bob’s handout. Bob also stated that rates have gone up for the RRCA insurance of $150. Bob went over reports. Judy made a motion to accept the report. Tom Perkins seconded it.

· Race Director Coordinator report- Charlie Yates reported that everything was under control and races are being recorded correctly in the Fleetfoot now.

· Springtime Report – Tom went over budget, cash awards, and other things he is doing to make this year’s Springtime race a success. Jeff Galloway will be speaking Friday night at Premier.

· Membership report – Judy said there are 392 memberships representing 672 members. Since the Fleetfoot was so late from the printer this month, there was a discussion of switching printers.

· Clothing Coordinator – just talked about the T-shirt idea from Dave Watson.

· Social Coordinator – Bonnie Wright is to do something for Springtime.

· Lecture Series – John Vantassel would like to speak to our club. We still need a volunteer to coordinate the lectures and get speakers.


· RRCA convention will be in Norfolk on May 4th. There was a discussion to send someone. There is an option to send a proxy by April 19th.

· College of Medicine wants to put on a 5k, possibly Nov 23.


· A request was made to consider Bowlegs 5k to make it a club race. David Yon made the motion and Judy seconded.

· Jane talked about the Freedom Garden. She has started it and it is looking great. It still needs rocks and is not complete yet.

· Redhills triathlon has insurance now and is set to go.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:40 pm.

The next meeting will be at the home of Sarah D. and Cris Williams on April 10, 2002.

Lynn Powell, Director at Large

These minutes have been reviewed and accepted by the board.


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315