for August 10, 2022, Hosted by Judy Alexander

Voting Members Present: Mark Priddy, Heather Vickers, Jeanne O’Kon, Peg Griffin, Judy Alexander, Herb Wills, Jo Lena Bryan, Mary Jean Yon, David Yon, Philip Sura, Lisa Unger, Stephanie Liles-Weyant. Voting Members Absent: Tom Perkins, Robert Skrob, Kory Skrob, Tina Bahmer, Paul Guyas, Stephanie Liles-Weyant, Kendrah Richards. Non-Voting Members Present: Bill Lott, Mark Tombrink, Tarik Noriega, Doug Bell, Jennifer Hay, Carter Hay, Allen Blay, Beth Alexander, David Cox, Chelsea Vensel, Dorrion Finley.

I. Opening and Introduction: Mark Priddy opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. The minutes from the July, 2022 meeting were approved with one correction about the Bylaws.

II. Old Business/Race Closeouts: None.

III. New Business:

a) REI Store Opening: Chelsea Vensel and Dorrion Finley introduced themselves. Chelsea, the REI store manager, said the new store will open in mid-October. They want to support the community and outside activities. The store has a meeting space, and they want to develop partnerships in the community. They are currently hiring sales specialists, bike mechanics, and have other shipping and receiving jobs.

b) Brewtallaty Duathlon: Doug Bell distributed materials about the upcoming Run-Bike-Run event in Tom Brown Park on November 19, presented by the Tallahassee Mountain Bike Association. Doug would like to see more collaboration between GWTC and TMBA on the advocacy for the trails in Tallahassee. Several trails are in the “advocacy” state that have not yet come to fruition. TMBA performs “trail work” days to do maintenance and upkeep on one trail a month that riders frequently use. One way to collaborate would be for GWTC to donate the timing and possibly insurance for the event. He also inquired about EMS services for events. Board members pointed out that the Bylaws state that timing and equipment cannot be donated to groups. Board members encouraged Doug to promote the event in the Fleet Foot and on the Facebook page. Mary Jean reported that Eric Draper approached her about a group that is focused on educating others about bicycle and pedestrian safety. Capital City Cyclists and TMBA are also involved in a group that addresses this. They would like to reach out to various officials to increase their awareness of this issue. Eric asked for a representative from GWTC to be involved in this group. Eric may be invited to the Lecture Series to talk about safety. Mark pointed out that the plans for new trails in Tallahassee are online. Mary Jean indicated that a GWTC representative will be selected in the near future.

c) Proposed Budget for 2022 Prefontaine 5K: Allen Blay presented a preliminary budget for the upcoming Sept. 24 race in its new location at Wallwood Scout Reservation. The anticipated net profit is estimated to be $420.00. Fifty percent of the new revenue will be given to SRAC Scouts BSA and 50% will go to GWTC. There will be a “PRE” look-alike contest. Motion was made and seconded to approve the budget. Board members voted to approve the budget.

d) 2023 Tallahassee Marathon and Half-Marathon: Sheryl Rosen will be moving out of town, so another race director/committee will be needed. An event like the Marathon takes months of advance planning. Several people are needed to help. David and Felton will reach out to those who were committee chairs previously and hold a meeting in the near future.

e) Sneakers4Funds Program: Mark Priddy stated that a group in Orlando has partnered with RRCA to recycle shoes. A bin can be put at each race to collect used shoes. When the bin is full, it is taken to UPS and sent to Orlando. It can be done once or multiple times with no expense to the Club. Race directors can advertise it on their web sites to encourage people to bring used shoes to races. The shoes are sent to Africa for people who need shoes. Girls on the Run could also be asked to participate through the schools. Chelsea from REI said a “Blitz event” could be offered, 70 cents a pound for each bag of shoes. This discussion was tabled until the next meeting.

f) Youth Running/SMIRFS Program: David Yon reported that the summer program this year was very successful, with more than 35 kids participating and 24 completing the graduation race at the Breakfast on the Track One Mile. He would like to officially extend it to a year-round program with practices 1-2 times per week, working in conjunction with the Maclay coach (Angie Milford) to schedule the sessions. David has already been offering this on Thursdays throughout the school year. A motion was made and seconded to approve this proposal. Board members voted to approve this motion.

IV. Announcements from Officers:
Jeanne discussed the Visit Tallahassee web site, where race directors can list their upcoming races. Renee Jones is an additional contact at Visit Tallahassee and can be reached at:
Peg announced that the Mike Boll mile markers are now up at the Miccosukee Greenway. The Club can post four signs if the county agrees to this, and they will send Peg a draft of the sign. The original quote was within budget.

V. Reports:

Treasurer’s Report: The current net assets as of July 31, 2022 are $221,769.24, compared to last year at this time, when the club’s assets were $246,331.79. The net loss to date this fiscal year is $1,345.27. Additional budget statements and the 990 form were sent to Board members by e-mail to review in advance of the meeting. Motion was made and seconded to approve the submission of the 990 form. Board members voted to approve the motion.

Triathlete Club: Mark Priddy reported for Kory Skrob. They held a successful July social and a few new members signed up. The upcoming Monday meeting will have a buy-sell-trade item event at Momo’s at 7:00 p.m.

Race Director Coordinator: Mary Jean reported that in response to the email sent today by Mark Priddy about cost-saving measures, the race directors will hold a September meeting to discuss options for saving money. Generally, race directors don’t waste money, but they need to be informed about the Club’s financial status. Revenue will be lost if the Club stops chip timing non-Club races. Board members discussed the possibility of raising race entry fees. More club members need to be trained in how to do chip timing.

Newsletter: No report

Membership: Jo Lena Bryan reported there have been several new memberships, and there are now 1286 members (compared to 1044 last year at this time) and there are 710 families (compared to 550 last year at this time). The Google group has 66 members. Diversity/IRC: Jeanne reported for Gabrielle Gabrielli. Members of the committee met virtually on July 22 to discuss plans for the committee. They are partnering with the Tallahassee International Rescue Committee (IRC) for the annual IRC project for newly relocated immigrants that begins Wednesday, August 10 at 5:45 pm for check-in, and concludes by 7:00 pm at Cascades Park. There are currently 38 IRC children in the program that runs for five weeks and culminates in the 2022 GWTC 5K for Sickle Cell Anemia and Tim Simpkins 1 Mile on September 10. Two forms were developed to help organize volunteers, and 21 volunteers have signed up so far to help. They are recruiting people with language skills and plan to teach basic greetings in Spanish, Swahili, Arabic, Dari, Pashto, and Farsi to those who may not speak other languages. They are working to secure transportation options beyond the paid options they currently have. Walkers and runners are encouraged to attend and support these kids! Mark Priddy reported that he attended, and he said that children from Nigeria, Costa Rica, and Afghanistan were in attendance. Some children ran and others walked. Gabrielle produced a chart showing basic phrases in several languages which was very helpful.

Education: Judy reported that Eric Draper and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Group will be invited to speak at the upcoming Lecture Series.

Web Site: Nothing to report.

Chenoweth Fund: Nothing to report.

Merchandise: Jeanne reported for Laura McDermott. They sold $465.00 worth of club merchandise at Breakfast on the Track.

Equipment: No equipment issues to report. Chip Timing: Bill Lott reported that during the month of July, GWTC chip timed one Club-race (Summer Trail Series Race #3 – Overstreet Trail) and one non-Club race (Capital City Kiwanis Club Firecracker 5K). For August, three Club races (Breakfast on the Track One Mile, Miller Landing Madness 8K/5K/3K, and Summer Trail Series Race #4 – Cadillac Trail) and one non-Club race (St. George Island Sizzler 5K) are scheduled to be timed. In September, three Club races (Sickle Cell 5K/1M, Women’s Distance Festival 5K/1M, and Prefontaine 5K Forest Run) and one non-Club race (Bluebird Run for Brookie B 5K/1M) are currently planned to be timed.

Grand Prix: Mark Tombrink reported that the application for the 2023 Grand Prix competition for non-club races is now available through the end of September. Nominations for the Annual Awards will be open in October through late November. He reported that the committee decided not to have In Memoriam segments at the Annual Awards. Perhaps something could be included in the Fleet Foot if families request a tribute to a deceased family member.

Social: No report.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Jeanne O’Kon, Secretary


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315