November 14, 2007 Business Meeting Hosted by Mae and Rex Cleveland

Board/GWTC Members present: Beth Alexander, Peg Griffin, Judy Alexander, David and Mary Jean Yon, Charlie Yates, Joe and Nadine Dexter, Bill Lott, Keith Rowe, Rex and Mae Cleveland, Sheryl Rosen, Jerry and Jackie McDaniel and Kathy McDaris.

Mary Jean Yon called the meeting to order at 7:41 PM and quorum was established. The October minutes were reviewed. A motion was made, seconded and passed by unanimous vote to accept the minutes as amended.

NEW BUSINESS: Peg Griffin presented the election results for 2008: President: Mary Jean Yon, Vice President: Bill Lott, Treasurer: Gene Opheim, and Secretary: Sheryl Rosen. The five Director positions are: Judy Alexander, Nadine Dexter, Mark Priddy, Keith Rowe, and David Yon.


Triathlete Report – Kathy McDaris announced that 80 people have already preregistered for Red Hills Triathlon on April 5. Monthly Tri Club meetings draw 30 to 40 attendees. Kathy proposes that the Tri Club membership be combined with the renewal process for GWTC membership. This would add on a $10.00 fee that the Tri Club members would pay in addition to the Gulf Winds membership fee to cover insurance costs for tri events such as time trials and open water swims. Tri members must also maintain a USAT membership. Gene can track this activity for accounting purposes and Peg can track the membership side. There was concern about invalidating the Club’s RRCA insurance coverage. A motion was made for assisting the Tri Club with collecting insurance money beginning when GWTC collects new and renewing memberships provided our RRCA insurance is not invalidated. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Race Director Coordinator – Charlie Yates provided an $800.00 donation to the Chenoweth Fund from the Florida State Track and Field Association.

Race Director – David Yon presented a budget for Turkey Trot. He has received a sponsorship check from Capital Health Program. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept the budget as presented. Judy Alexander received the incorrect design on her T-shirts for the 10 Mile Challenge. She has returned the T-shirts and is working on recouping her money. However thus far the out of town printer has been uncooperative. Judy has contacted the Better Business Bureau and her credit card company in order to resolve the issue. She asked if the money for the incorrect T-shirts could come out of the Springtime budget so that profits for Tallahassee Area Crew is not affected by this printing company error. Discussion included concern about dipping into another race budget. The issue was tabled until the December board meeting so that the situation could be assessed at a later time. Jerry and Jackie McDaniel presented the budget for the 30K. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to approve the budget as presented.

Social Committee Report –Mary Jean Yon for Kathy Lindsay reminded everyone about the Holiday Party with Crooked Shooz. The Capital City Cyclists are able to contribute financially and attend the party.

Training Report – Nadine Dexter reported that 69 people finished the Beginning Runner’s class and 48 graduated. Forty of these runners ran the FSU Cares 5K. She is already receiving inquiries about the next class. She tries to steer runners toward the Springtime training class. Also, TJ Hutchins continues to meet with a portion of the group on Wednesdays. Keith Rowe announced the half marathon training group finished strong at Boston Mini marathon. The Wednesday group training for the 15K at the Turkey Trot ran 15K the previous week with 25 participants.

Equipment – Joe Dexter turned in checks from various races.

Racing Report – Keith Rowe reported that 4 runners traveled to Fort Rucker 5K in Alabama, which was not enough to form a team, but they had fun anyway.

Chenoweth Fund – David Yon reported 1 request for funds. Gray Droze requested $1800 to purchase new hurdles for Maclay track. The hurdles at Maclay are falling apart and Gary has to borrow them from other schools. The school hosts the district and regional meets but receives no proceeds for that and in fact loses money. Discussions included Mae’s suggestion that the Club could assist in these general budget requests and allow the focus of the Chenoweth Fund to target individual athletes, which was the original intention of the Fund. David will take that suggestion back to the Chenoweth Committee.

Treasurer’s Report – Mary Jean for Gene Opheim reported that the Club has $55,204, which is $838 less than last month; the Chenoweth Fund has $15,246, which is a decrease of $150. Betty Piekarewicz won the member drawing for the month.

Membership – Peg Griffin reported we have 923 members and 536 households. is live and running and the first check has been received.

Awards/Grand Prix Committee –Mary Jean for Lisa Unger announced that Annual Awards nominations are open until November 30 and some are trickling in.

Website Committee Report – Peg Griffin and David Yon reported they have redesigned the calendar for 2008. Kathy McDaris will send the link to update the Tri Page.

Lecture Series – Mary Jean for Fred Deckert encouraged spreading the word about the lecture and run with Jeff Galloway on January 5. The run will be at 4 p.m. at Forest Meadows; the lecture will be at 7:30 p.m. at Premier Health and Fitness. Jeff will be giving out memorial mementos of his, Jack Bachelor and Steve Prefontaine’s run a few weeks prior to Pre’s death to the first 200 attendees. In addition, January 6, Jeff will host a Running clinic 10 a.m. Location TBD. This will last about 5 hours and will require a fee. It is limited to a maximum of 25 attendees, and the fee will be $179 with a $20 discount for members of GWTC. The school will cover a personal running evaluation, endurance, running faster, nutrition, fat burning etc.

Clothing Coordinator – Margarete Deckert sold 1 t-shirt and 3 caps at $10 a piece, which was sent to Gene Opheim.

Newsletter – Fred Deckert no report.

There was a motion to adjourn at 8:46 PM, which was seconded and passed by unanimous vote. The next board meeting will be held on December 12, 2007 hosted by Judy Alexander and Brian Corbin. These minutes have been reviewed and accepted by the Board. Beth Alexander, Secretary.


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315