Resolution time

By Fred Deckert


Resolution time is here! For good or ill, it’s that time of year when we want to make a new start at improving our lives. Do you remember last year’s resolutions? Did you follow through on them? Of course, since resolutions are supposed to improve you, they are by definition more difficult than simply falling into your old comfortable rut. But, if you are game, here are a few suggestions.

Fight the extra pounds. Not only is it better for you, but it makes your running easier. We are fortunate to live in a country where food is more plentiful than will power, but plenty of food intake often results in health problems. So, try to eat more wisely.

Train smarter. Don’t overdo your mileage or speedwork. Not only is it counterproductive, but it makes running less fun. Try for the happy medium.

Be consistent in your training. This doesn’t mean you have to run a certain number of miles every day, but you should have a regular schedule that you can maintain without undue difficulty on yourself or your family.

Don’t watch the clock too much. If you get fixated on your minutes per mile every day, you’re bound to be disappointed. Your body is not a perfect machine, cut it a bit of slack.

Look for new running experiences. Either in training or racing, do a bit of experimenting. If you run alone, try a group run occasionally. If you run with others all the time, try solo runs now and then. Try trails if you haven’t already. If you don’t race, try one for a change, you just might like it, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Make an effort to meet new running acquaintances. You may find the perfect running partner that way. And, going the extra distance to welcome newcomers to the running and racing scene can make the difference to them in continuing or dropping out.

You can make an impact.

Bring your kids or significant other into the running scene. But, don’t be a pest! Nagging just does not work. Some sugar coating goes a long way here. Running vacations, trips with a running venue and just adding a little extra diversion after the run can lure reluctant participants into a healthy and fun activity.

Join a running club. In Tallahassee, it’s Gulf Winds Track Club. It’s an excellent way to gain friends and influence your running game. There are many social and training benefits to be found by an individual or family membership. Cost: About 5 cents