Business Meeting, September 8, 1999 Home of Ann and Jerry Draper

Unapproved version

Board Members Present:, Cynthia Christen, Pheona Kaiser, Gary Kenney, Rex Cleveland, Mae Cleveland, Charlie Yates, Brian Corbin, Bill de Grummond, Tom Perkins, Paul Hoover

Board Members Absent: David Yon, Paul Hiers, Will Walker, Mary Jean Yon, Joe Dexter.

Others Present: Dawn Brown

Cynthia Christen, Secretary, called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Minutes from the August meeting were distributed and read by Cynthia Christen.

Minutes were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report – Pheona Kaiser

Pheona reported that after expenses, the Tom Brown Bash made $683.
Rex spends money on postage, which is really attributable to membership activities.
Next month Pheona will have a report showing actual expenses versus the budget.
The financial report was read, and approved.

Membership Report – Brian Corbin

There are 512 memberships with 862 members. Brian is working on a new program version for membership.

Equipment Report – Joe Dexter

No report. Joe got married this week.

Newsletter Report – Rex Cleveland

Rex wants to offer a “first class” membership for an additional $5 a year. Motion made, seconded, and passed.

Social Director – Sarah Docter-Williams

No report.

Race Director – Will Walker (in absentia)

Tom Perkins went to the awards ceremony for the Capital City Christian Cruisers. They thanked GWTC for our involvement, and said nice things about us.

Wilderness Run, Nov. 7 – Gary Kenney

The rope will be there again this year. The race starts at 3 p.m.

Buck Lake Alliance Run, is Oct. 23, is a 5K, and is all off road.

We need a consolidated calendar so that we can advise race holder wannabees of date conflicts. However, discussion ensued which stated that even with such warnings, some groups who put on races do not care about conflicts. Plus, if no one tells us of his or her intentions for a race, our calendar keeping is not going to be perfect.

Chenoweth Committee – Mae Cleveland

Mae is working on the 501(c)(3) federal tax exemption issue. We were under the impression that since we are part of the RRCA, we have that tax exemption under their umbrella. We need to have some things clarified for endowments.

Mary Jane Tappen qualified for the World Triathlon Championship in Montreal. She applied to receive funding from the Chenoweth Fund. A motion was made by Brian, seconded by Tom, to give her up to $500 from the Fund. Motion passed.

Election Committee – Mae Cleveland

We need to publish something in the October newsletter, but the slate is not complete yet. Mae did inform us that David will not run next year.

Awards Committee – Bill de Grummond

Nominations are needed for the annual awards. Information in writing is best.
Grand Prix events for next year will also be considered. Get those requests in writing to a member of the committee.

New Business

The 25th anniversary of GWTC will be celebrated in the year 2000, despite some thoughts that the club was founded earlier. It will be considered that it was formally founded in that year, and that Jeff Galloway was the founder. We would like Jeff to speak to the Club some time during the year. It was decided that a committee was needed to work on the 25th anniversary celebrations. A budget will be needed, especially for Jeff Galloway.

Volunteerism is a subject dear to us. More volunteers are needed for all sorts of tasks. Ideas were presented. One was that in order to get your grand prix points at the end of the year, you must have volunteered at a race during that year. Another idea was to have a drawing for something allowing the each person who volunteered at a race to have an entry for each race he or she volunteered. The last suggestion was full and associate memberships. The full memberships had more privileges, but had to include some volunteering.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia K. Christen


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315