Winthrop Park Express
Running Group Name: Winthrop Park Express
- Organizer or main contact: Keith Rowe
- How to connect with group: web site: FaceBook Group page:
- Main purpose or goal of program: This is a group of friends who simply love to run year round. Rain, shine, cold or hot – we are out there running almost every Monday night. We represent all age groups, experience levels and paces. We only ask that you can run more than a 5k before you come out. Other training groups will get you to 5k; we want to take you beyond that distance. Our stated objective is to get folks to run a half marathon for the first time, but many of us keep coming back after attaining that goal.
- When and where: Monday at 6:00 p.m. at Winthrop Park
- Typical work out. Most of the spring, summer and fall the group runs to a water stop through Betton Hills. It’s 2.6 miles out, 2.6 miles back, but you can add or deduct miles easily in that neighborhood.
- Approximate number of people participating. Sometimes there are thirty folks, sometimes only about five. Each holiday season we run to see the Holiday Lights at Dorothy B. Oven Park which drawers upwards of forty or fifty runners and walkers.
- Other notes: Each spring we move our group to Myers Park to support the Springtime Tallahassee Training Group. Each fall before Thanksgiving we move our group to SouthWood to support the Turkey Trout Training Group. We post any variations in start times on our FaceBook page and our web site.