Back of the Pack – By Jack McDermott

Essays by Jack McDermottThe following columns were originally printed in the Fleet Foot.European vacation, June 2001Comrades Marathon, May 2001Dating women runners, April 2001Running improvement, March 2001Future, February 2001Grand Prix 2010, January...

European vacation

European vacation By Jack McDermott In the event that you all missed me (and let’s be honest, you probably didn’t), I have returned from my European vacation and the Rotterdam Marathon in Holland. My goal was to lead FSU-alum Laurel Slyck to a Boston...

Comrades Marathon

Comrades Marathon By Jack McDermott A traumatic experience in the bathtub at age seven has left me so afraid of the water, that I have been immunized from the tri-bug that is so contagious this time of year. Therefore, I have looked to other venues for my next big...

Dating women runners

Dating women runners  By Jack McDermott I would like to take this opportunity to talk about a very important social issue — V.D. No, get your minds out-of-the-gutter, I am talking about Valentine’s Day. I guess women are more attracted to wealth and power...

Running improvement

Running improvement By Jack McDermott I would like to thank everyone for giving me compliments for my rise to running respectability. I have even thought about changing the name of my column to “Middle of the Pack,” but I do not want to cause any...


The Future By Jack McDermott Once again it is the time of year for my favorite holiday – Groundhog’s Day. It reminds of Thanksgiving except we do not eat the mascot – which is for the best because I am told that Groundhog is the one animal that does...