Joining the Gulf Winds mailing list

Joining the Gulf Winds e-group  By Jack McDermott Well after two long years the computer gurus at my state agency finally figured out a way for me to get on the gulf winds e-group. (I said they work for the State … not Microsoft).My current running group, the...

Slowest 5K races

Slowest 5K Races By Jack McDermott Last month we featured the fastest eleven 5K races according to my own psuedo-scientific study of local 5K race times. This month we feature the slowest eleven 5K races or “races you should avoid” if you are going for...

Fastest 5K races

Fastest 5K races By Jack McDermott In my idle time as a government-worker (your tax dollars at work!), I conducted a study of local 5Ks to determine which one is the best to set a PR. I studied the 1999 race results of 20 men and 10 women, and featured the fastest 11...

Ode to Jimmy the Spleen

Ode to Jimmy the Spleen By Jack McDermott Let me tell you of something I’ve seenIt’s about the tale of Jimmy “the Spleen”His wife told him thatHe was getting too fatHe joined Gulf Winds, so he could get leanHis first race — he decided for...

How to annoy race directors

How to annoy race directors By Jack McDermott I would like to dedicate this article to the un-sung hero — the race director. It has come to my attention that some race directors have become so skillful at handling the minor race-day problems such as race...

Blue Angel Marathon

Blue Angel Marathon By Jack McDermott In 490 B.C., Pheidippedes ran from the Plains of Marathon to Athens to report that the brave Athenians had defeated the Persian hordes of Darius the Great. Upon arrival he announced, “Rejoice! We Conquer!” an abruptly...