President's Column -February 2024
Jennifer Hay, Vice PresidentThis column may tend to meander a bit but stay with me. I see and talk with my mother a time or two each week and we often chat of her past, growing up. She was an only child and often laments her loneliness growing up with no siblings. By contrast, my wife Jackie, has 3 sisters. It had to be nightly chaos for her working father to come home each evening from work to 4 teenage daughters. Add in a pet monkey that occasionally escaped from its cage, and you get why Dad retired outside to the pool each evening with some “brown juice”. Even though these contrasting home environments operated at opposite ends of the spectrum, they were both family. GWTC, likewise, is a family in a lot of ways. I know many members that would appear pretty darn lonely without the track club as the only time I see them about town, they are with fellow members. Now you could say we are a family or even a community. Instilling a sense of community in an organization can be hard to do. I imagine if we took a poll, some members in the track would say we have done that pretty well, while others would say not so much. Group run leader Joi Adams Savery is doing quite well with this lofty goal in her new role of helping manage group runs (along with several others) and encouraging folks to become members and join a group run. Joi came to a recent GWTC Board meeting and posited how we might better create an atmosphere for members that was more communal. The Board had no ready answers, but we encouraged her to come back with ideas possibly expanding on her already great work! I do know one way to feel more a sense of belonging is to help, as in volunteer. Yeah, that same old hue and cry. I have been running for some 50 years now, and a member of the track club for probably 35-40. In my early years I ran a lot of races and never had a single thought of volunteering to help with the club or at races. I just showed up to run, and in some years probably raced what seemed like 2-3 times a month. I do not even recall being asked to volunteer. When Jackie and I got married, she was more naturally inclined to do this and started helping at races, but I just continued what I was doing…run and race. I truthfully do not recall when I started volunteering – could have been Turkey Trot, prodded by Mary Jean and maybe Jackie. You could say that I have evolved from doing essentially nothing to doing a good fair share in recent years – maybe even making up for lost ground. Folks we are very close, if not at, a crossroads. With some exception, this club’s leadership is aging and, in a sense, on borrowed time. I think I determined that over 60% of our voting Board are in their 60’s and 70’s and will simply not be around to do these critical jobs much longer. Why is this? Well, the obvious – aging, health concerns, and sheer weariness of the dominance some of these jobs entail on your daily life. We have installed measures similar to the tri-club’s on mandatory volunteerism in order to qualify for Grand Prix awards for 2024. These are presently being finalized and have only become necessary due to the lack of members voluntarily stepping up. Don’t get me wrong, we have volunteers… BUT IT IS OFTEN THE SAME BASIC MEMBERS for the most part. As I write this, Felton and Bonnie Wright have professed that this is their final year as directors of the marathon. They have telegraphed this for at least a year, yet no one has come forward to shadow them in 2024. We have an open slot at this time to co-direct the 30K/15K. There are other races in which race directors are suggesting their time is limited. Equally important, the folks that run the Board are mostly the same folks – year in and year out – although we do get an occasional new member or two as we did this year which we are quite thankful for. We need more new blood on the Board, race directors, and for a variety of appointments to insure the GWTC is sustained. Don’t be like me in my early years and assume the club and these races will magically always be there.
President’s Column September 2024
Fall is Coming!! September always signals the start of lots of racing and used to signify an almost guaranteed break in the weather with a cool front or two blowing through. This would ensure that at least one or two of the three signature September GWTC races could...
Presidents Column June-July 2024
I subscribe to Popular Mechanics magazine. While the name is a bit of a misnomer in my view, I mostly have a subscription because my Dad always had one. There are always interesting articles, but the magazine starts out with a section called “Can’t Stop Thinking...
President’s Column – May 2024
Jerry and I have spent a lot of newsletter space telling you how much we value Gulf Winds Track Club and its members. We’ve talked about our fave GWTC memories, group runs, races, volunteering, youth programs, and superstars. Now, we want to hear from you. GWTC is...
President’s Column – April 2024
First and foremost on my mind this month are the Springtime Races, which Jackie and I direct. All is well at this point due in some measure to a new Volunteer initiative of the club’s(more on that in a bit), but also due to the marketing efforts of Jon Brown and the...
President’s Column – March 2024
I spend a lot of time talking with people about running and walking and the role that being outdoors plays in our wellbeing. It’s a part of my job at REI that I really love, and it has become a bit of a passion as you can probably tell given all the energy I pour into...
President’s Column – January 2024
Jerry did a great job of succinctly summing up the past year of our club in his President’s Letter last month, and now we get a chance to look forward, to decide where our club is headed, who we want to be as a community. I’m the newbie here, so it’s easier for me to...
President’s Column – December 2023
As you read this letter, we will be into December of 2023 and closing out my first year as President of the club and last column. This necessitates a look back on the year for me to see whether the club has back-tracked, stalled, or moved forward from some of my...
President’s Column – November 2023
I grew up going to church. As a teenager, I spent many Wednesdays at confirmation classes and choir practice, and as a kid, Sunday mornings were for bible lessons and playing twenty questions with my friends in the very back pews. I loved our church people. I rarely...
President’s Column – October 2023
Running with a group has many benefits. Gets you out the door to run when you may not want to because you are meeting others. Helps the miles pass as you chat about your life or hear about others. Can create healthy in-group challenges or competitions. Maybe learn...
President’s Column – September 2023
I often find myself looking around Gulf Winds gatherings a little star struck. I’m always surrounded by people who have accomplished amazing physical feats. They’ve run dozens of marathons, completed grueling ultras, made being an Ironman look easy, qualified for...